Phaidon France - EAN : 9780714874081
Édition papier

EAN : 9780714874081

Paru le : 4 mai 2017

11,95 € 11,33 €
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  • EAN13 : 9780714874081
  • Réf. éditeur : AU03859
  • Collection : GB EVEIL
  • Editeur : Phaidon France
  • Date Parution : 4 mai 2017
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 40
  • Format : 2.50 x 16.80 x 23.00 cm
  • Poids : 490gr
  • Résumé : Graphic artist Jean Jullien insightfully and comically depicts a set of clever and surprising before-and-after two-frame narratives, each progressed by a page turn. From pale skin to sunburned skin, dirty to clean, long hair to short hair (to long again), Jullien masterfully builds anticipation and a satisfying resolution with each pairing. Striking the perfect balance of predictability and unexpectedness, this book will leave readers in wonder as they flip back and forth. A pitch-perfect follow-up to Jullien's groundbreaking hit, This Is Not A Book - Jean Jullien is one of today's most popular satirical artists, with more than 600,000 followers on Instagram - Clever page design inspires imagination, anticipation, prediction, and surprise! - The thick, sturdy board pages are perfect for little hands to hold, turn, tap, and flip back and forth on their own - Features a surprising double gatefold!
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