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Phaidon France - EAN : 9780714877198
Édition papier
EAN : 9780714877198
Paru le : 6 sept. 2018
12,95 €
12,27 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9780714877198
- Réf. éditeur : AU05040
- Collection : GB EVEIL
- Editeur : Phaidon France
- Date Parution : 6 sept. 2018
- Disponibilite : Manque sans date
- Barème de remise : NS
- Format : 2.00 x 16.50 x 22.80 cm
- Poids : 447gr
- Résumé : Jean Jullien indulges every young child who bites on a lemon for the sake of the dramatic face that follows, (which is every young child), with a book of overreactions. Faces are presented first, allowing the reader to wager predictions of what may have prompted such an expression, before the triggering situation is revealed underneath the gatefold, allowing the reader to piece together the narrative. Based on young children's natural fascination with faces, this book encourages readers to practice empathy and build emotional intelligence, with cleverly simplified and humorously satisfying vignettes. A brilliant addition to Phaidon's growing Jean Jullien board book library.