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Learn As You Play Tuned Percussion and Timpani
Boosey - EAN : 9780851620497
Édition papier
EAN : 9780851620497
Paru le : 1 janv. 2000
14,99 €
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- EAN13 : 9780851620497
- Réf. éditeur : BH 4300094
- Collection : PERCUSSIONS
- Editeur : Boosey
- Date Parution : 1 janv. 2000
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 72
- Format : H:275 mm L:218 mm
- Poids : 255gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
- Résumé : Suitable for both individual and group instruction, the book contains carefully programmed material from absolute beginner to intermediate level. The skills that are covered, including scales, arpeggios, intervals and sight reading, will enable the student to play these styles: Orchestral, Pop, Rock, Latin and Swing. Throughout the book there are helpful tips and illustrations, which give more basic instruction and information. Tuned percussion and timpani solos are included as well as tuned percussion duets to aid the student’s ensemble playing. Learn As You Play Tuned Percussion and Timpani provides the best available introduction and preparation for percussion examinations such as those set by the Guildhall School of Music. Learn As You Play Tuned Percussion and Timpani and its sister volume Learn As You Play Drums can be used together: there are many pieces which can be combined to give students experience of ensemble playing. Together, the two books can make the absolute beginner into an all-round drummer!