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Assouline - EAN : 9781649800695
Édition papier
EAN : 9781649800695
Paru le : 28 oct. 2022
1 400,00 €
1 327,01 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9781649800695
- Collection : ULTIMATE
- Editeur : Assouline
- Date Parution : 28 oct. 2022
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Format : 8.10 x 46.00 x 50.10 cm
- Poids : 9.07kg
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
For sheer magic, champagne has no equal. It is the very emblem of sophistication, of celebration, of uninhibited pleasure. One of the most closely protected wine appellations in the world, it enhances French art de vivre and contributes to its global prominence and prestige. Ever since champagne was first dreamed up at the turn of the eighteenth century, the region’s visionary producers have forged ahead to open new markets and develop local terroirs.
Just how did the cork-popping “devil’s wine” become the blessed nectar of the gods? Whether it’s crafted by independent vignerons who cultivate grapes on their own lands or produced by legendary houses, champagne remains an international success that shines in a category by itself, beyond every other sparkling wine on Earth.
From exceptional vintages to an array of more recent releases, this exclusive selection curated by World’s Best Sommelier Enrico Bernardo spans three centuries and is illustrated by various tasting experiences, insightful tips and singular anecdotes. He highlights the most remarkable bottles ever produced, all united by the impossibility of ever having them together in one cellar at a time, hence this volume’s title. Presented in a wooden box, this edition is bound by hand and luxuriously crafted with hand-tipped labels, making it a must have for all champagne aficionados.
- Biographie : Enrico Bernardo made his name at Le V, the restaurant at the Four Seasons George V in Paris, and was named Best Sommelier of the World in 2004. As a restaurateur, he has created and owned several Michelin star–holding restaurants, focused on pairing the perfect wine with each dish. Bernardo consults for food, wine and art de vivre companies worldwide and is the author of seven books including The Impossible Collection of Wine (2016) and La Sagesse du Vin (2021). In 2018, he undertook a world wine trip, broadening his knowledge of the industry and bringing unknown talents to light.