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Assouline - EAN : 9781649804099
Édition papier
EAN : 9781649804099
Paru le : 12 nov. 2024
1 200,00 €
1 137,44 €
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de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9781649804099
- Editeur : Assouline
- Date Parution : 12 nov. 2024
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 220
- Format : 8.00 x 41.00 x 48.00 cm
- Poids : 9kg
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
When Herbert Kilpin founded the Milan Football and Cricket Club in 1899, few could have predicted the heights it would reach, both on and off the pitch. With nineteen league titles in Serie A, seven Champions League titles, and eight Ballon d’Or award winners, to name just a few, AC Milan has established itself as a force in the world of football and beyond.
The Rossoneri embody the spirit of their city and their cherished club, AC Milan, in a union that transcends mere football. It is an identity deeply ingrained in the fabric of Milan itself, continually evolving yet unwavering in its essence. As a brand, AC Milan is constantly innovating, expanding, and developing, whether in the design field, in the community, or in its global influence. Building a Milan for the next generation is always at the forefront. Over its 125-year history, AC Milan’s story overflowed with passion, triumphs, and transformative moments, all captured in the vivid pages of this volume, which features original photography by Ethan White that offers a glimpse behind the scenes of this iconic club.