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My brain steel needs glasses
EAN : 9781988002828
Paru le : 15 févr. 2025
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9781988002828
- Réf. éditeur : 684773
- Editeur : Juniper
- Date Parution : 15 févr. 2025
- Disponibilite : Epuisé
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 208
- Format : H:228 mm L:172 mm E:13 mm
- Poids : 360gr
Résumé :
A practical guide on how to live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for adolescents and adults.
ADHD first manifests in childhood with symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The strategies to attenuate the symptoms act like "glasses for the brain', helping with concentration and controlling fidgetiness. Did you know that over half of children affected by ADHD still show symptoms when they reach adulthood? That means they still need glasses and should know about the resources available for them as grown-ups. Relying on the latest research in the field, this book is an indispensable guide for all those who want to understand and find tools to better cope with ADHD. Accessible and packed with illuminating testimonials, it takes the reader step by step through the clinical symptoms, diagnostic approach and pharmacological treatments available for this neurodevelopmental problem. Thoroughly practical, this guide is also a treasure trove of practical tips and tricks to help adolescents and adults affected by ADHD to develop effective adaptive strategies to deal with the challenges they face from day to day.