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EAN : 9782251441986
Paru le : 6 févr. 2002
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- EAN13 : 9782251441986
- Editeur : Belles Lettres
- Date Parution : 6 févr. 2002
- Disponibilite : Réimpression en cours
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 256
- Format : 2.00 x 14.80 x 22.60 cm
- Poids : 344gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
The 20th century introduced an entire generation to what Alexis Philonenko refers to as the " modern world " - the reign of steel, the realistic theatre of technology.
To understand this schism which separates our temporality from that of Antiquity, Alexis Philonenko affirms, in this work, the necessity for us to explore the fundamental concepts of Aristotelian philosophy in order to find in them the key that would enable us - as Kant's theory expressed it - to inquire into the essence of the future.
This vast panorama of fundamental philosophical questions, which the author initiated with Leçons platoniciennes (Les Belles Lettres, 1997) and pursued in these Leçons aristotéliciennes, and which has never deviated from the stoic trinity (metaphysics/logic/ethics), comes full circle today with the publication of Leçons plotiniennes.Formerly a professor at Université de Caen and at Université de Genève, Alexis Philonenko is now a Professor Emeritus at Université de Rouen. Among the numerous works which have earned him the reputation of being one of the most important philosophic thinkers of our time, we will merely cite : L'œuvre de Kant, Rousseau et la pensée du malheur, La Jeunesse de Feuerbach, Schopenhauer, Bergson ou de la philosophie comme science rigoureuse, and Nietzsche, le rire et le tragique.
- Biographie : Historien de la philosophie ; Professeur à l'université de Rouen (en 1988)