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Books On Demand - EAN : 9782322254019
Édition papier
EAN : 9782322254019
Paru le : 14 oct. 2020
7,99 €
7,57 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782322254019
- Réf. éditeur : 137794
- Editeur : Books On Demand
- Date Parution : 14 oct. 2020
- Disponibilite : Epuisé
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 136
- Format : H:190 mm L:120 mm E:10 mm
- Poids : 153gr
- Résumé : « Just as rust destroys the strongest steel, time, lurking in the shadows, accomplishes its work in silence : the passion and exaltation of the early years gradually give way to reason and habits. » Then comes the moment when one asks oneself questions about the merits of one's life. Afraid of missing the essential, we decide to question everything. Hoping to find a semblance of something, which is only a vague memory, we move away from the other ; the lack being supposed to give us back the envy. They are couples that provoque covetousness. There are times when you show hostility or spite towards someone who has what you would like to have. It will be necessary to take into account these opportunits who will find here an unhoped-for opportunity to assert a rigt of succession that seems logical to them. They will be ready to do anything to get there, even if it means taking the place of the free will of their prey, to change its destiny... Will they be able to save their couple ?...
- Biographie : Lionel Lalande was born in Paris, France. Attracted by comic books during his childhood, it was in adolescence that he discovered novelists such as Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers becoming his bedside book. At the age when it is necessary to decide to enter the working life, he turns to a literary genre more in adequacy with the state of mind of the moment. Embracing a commercial career, he worked for major companies such as Moore Business Forms and National Cash Register, before deciding to start his own business. He practised theater late ; the opportunity or never to reread, or to discover, the great authors, classical and modern as well as contemporary. Then comes the desire to create his own texts. He has written five plays to date.