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Honore Editions - EAN : 9782407022762
Édition papier
EAN : 9782407022762
Paru le : 16 mars 2023
18,90 €
17,91 €
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- EAN13 : 9782407022762
- Editeur : Honore Editions
- Date Parution : 16 mars 2023
- Disponibilite : Epuisé
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 286
- Format : H:150 mm L:220 mm E:20 mm
- Poids : 397gr
- Résumé : “Stories My Father Never Told Me” is a compilation of short stories describing the life of a young artist. He is on a quest to fulfill his passion for sculpture. It retraces his events, and experiences, in various countries in Europe, America and on safari in Africa. During this journey, as an artist he has many adventures, that are described here. It is a tale of crime, betrayal, passion, and love.
- Biographie : Dominic Albinski was born in Johannesburg in 1975. Since his earliest childhood, he has been in contact with the themes, which would later appear in his art, and literature. During his youth in Southern Africa, he developed an interest in literature, and the classics. He started to write in high school, where he was Editor of the “Scribbler”, the student creative writing magazine. Love of literature, and art, brought him to study in Europe, where he had many sculpture exhibitions. His first major sculpture exhibition, was in Normandy, France. He was Professor of English, at the Ecole Francaise d’Attaché de Presse, near the Champs-Elysées, in Paris. He received the ATIM top 60 Award, and Artist of the Decade Award, in 2019/20 from Art Tour International Magazine, in New York.