Neo4j - A graph protect story

D-Booker - EAN : 9782822707473
Édition papier

EAN : 9782822707473

Paru le : 13 mai 2019

37,00 € 35,07 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782822707473
  • Réf. éditeur : 055681
  • Collection : INFORMATIQUE PR
  • Editeur : D-Booker
  • Date Parution : 13 mai 2019
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 290
  • Format : H:210 mm L:148 mm E:16 mm
  • Poids : 392gr
  • Résumé : You may already have an idea of what Neo4j is and how it works, and maybe you've even played around with some ideas using it. The question now is how you can take your graph project all the way to production-grade. This is what is discussed in this book. The book starts with a brief introduction to Neo4j and its query language, CYPHER, to help readers who are just beginning to explore Neo4j. Then we go straight to the subject in question: how to set up a real life project based on Neo4j, from the proof of concept to an operating production-grade graph database. We focus on methodology, integrations with existing systems, performance, monitoring and security. As leading experts in the Neo4j French community, the authors have chosen an unusual format to transmit their technical know-how: they tell you a story, a graph project story, where the protagonists are members of a technical team who specializes in the representation and manipulation of strongly connected data. The plot starts when a client come in with his project. You will attend their working sessions and see how they develop the project, fight over approaches, and ultimately solve the problems they encounter. Welcome to GraphITs.Tech! This audacious and, we hope, entertaining approach allows you to experience all aspects of setting up a graph database, from the various and sometimes opposing points of view of technical and network experts, project managers, and even trainees. "The future of Neo4j is one of innovation and possibility: Mervaillie, Roussy, Rouyer, and Kutzler have written an accomplished work that will help you to unlock that future." - Jim Webber, Chief Scientist at Neo4j, Inc. TOC About Neo4j and CYPHER Welcome to GraphITs.Tech! 1. A Little Bit of Method and Analysis 2. Interact with Neo4j 3. Data import/export 4. Operating Neo4j 5. Securing data Appendix Neo4j OGM and Spring Data Neo4j Appendix CYPHER Refcard
    This book provides you with a concrete approach of using Neo4j in a production context. Written in the style of a play, it reports the debates between the members of a technical team specialized in strongly connected data. It focuses on methodology, integrations with existing systems, performance, monitoring and security
  • Biographie : Sylvain Roussy is freelance since few months. Before he was R&D project manager at Blueway Software. Developer, trainer, consultant for over twenty years (whether on product, business or technology), he has tested the limits of RDBMS by wanting to design dynamic, flexible and scalable systems. He found answers to his many questions in Neo4j, and has since contributed to his promotion in France, notably by co-organising the Neo4j Meetup in Lyon
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