Efeo - EAN : 9782855391212
Édition papier

EAN : 9782855391212

Paru le : 25 août 2010

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  • EAN13 : 9782855391212
  • Réf. éditeur : COE 08
  • Collection : COEDITION
  • Editeur : Efeo
  • Date Parution : 25 août 2010
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 239
  • Format : 1.50 x 21.50 x 27.00 cm
  • Poids : 1.05kg
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : Since 1907, the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), or French School of Asian Studies, has been playing a pivotal role in research and conservation at Angkor, the site of a major Asian metropolis abandoned to the jungle in the 16th century.
    This catalogue contains one hundred and height images – chosen from amongst the thousands held in the EFEO’s archives – of the site’s principal temples before they were cleared of vegetation and rubble and during and after the restoration process.
    Essays written by the EFEO specialists present the School’s archaeological work in its historical context and provide an introduction to more recent discoveries.
    At once a memorial and a work of reference, this publication will appeal to all those, professionals and amateurs alike, with an interest in the arts of Southeast Asia.

    EFEO in Angkor
    The rediscovery of Angkor and the first images of the site, or From imagination to image
    Bruno Dagens

    The EFEO in Cambodia: a century-long partnership
    Pierre-Yves Manguin

    The role of the École française d’Extrême-Orient in establishing scholarly institutions in Cambodia
    Olivier de Vernon

    Ancient Khmer construction techniques and the evolution of contemporary restoration techniques
    Pierre Pichard

    New data on the origins of Angkor
    Christophe Pottier
    Angkor, Urban History and Archaeology
    Jacques Gaucher
    The EFEO’s photographic archives
    Isabelle Poujol

    Angkor and its secrets from a foreign perspective: views from Japan and China
    François Lachaud

    Introduction to the history of Angkor
    Claude Jacques

    Photographic Archives of the EFEO
    802-889 (cat. 1 to 7)
    Isabelle Poujol

    889-968 (cat.8 to 23)
    Isabelle Poujol

    Henri Marchal (1876-1970) and the preservation of the splendor of Banteay Srei
    Éric Bourdonneau

    968-1080 (cat. 24 to 31)
    Isabelle Poujol

    Baphuon:Last attempt to save a monument
    Pascal Royère

    1080-1182 (cat.32 to 53)
    Isabelle Poujol

    1182-1219 (cat. 54 to 108)
    Christine Hawixbrock

    Neak Pean
    Bruno Dagens

    Archaeological map of Cambodia

    Archaeological map of the Great Angkor

    Synoptic table
    Gilles Béguin

    Gilles Béguin

    Some interventions of the EFEO in Angkor
    Gabrielle Abbe

    Gabrielle Abbe
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