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EAN : 9782919814817
Paru le : 5 déc. 2023
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- EAN13 : 9782919814817
- Réf. éditeur : LT0001
- Collection : CODE
- Editeur : Legitech
- Date Parution : 5 déc. 2023
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 1700
- Format : 6.80 x 16.50 x 24.00 cm
- Poids : 2.104kg
Résumé :
The compendium is one of a kind, as it contains both Luxembourg and European fund laws.
With EUR 5.028 trn in net assets under management, Luxembourg is the largest investment fund centre in Europe and the second largest in the world after the US. Hence, European/Luxembourg fund legislation is amongst the most important pieces of legislation in Luxembourg.
In this in-depth Luxembourg Fund Law Compendium, the most important European and Luxembourg fund laws, regulations, circulars and FAQs are being bundled for everyday use. The compendium is one of a kind, as it contains both Luxembourg and European fund laws.
The compendium will be warmly welcomed by (fund) lawyers, consultants, legal counsels working for fund managers, depositaries, asset managers and administrators, as well as, academics and (fund) supervisors. - Biographie : Dr. Sebastiaan Hooghiemstra is an associate in the investment funds and financial regulatory practice of an international law firm in Luxembourg and a Senior Fellow at the International Center for Financial Law & Governance at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He assists banks, investment firms, payment and e-money institutions, asset managers, fund promoters and other financial institutions on various regulatory matters, including licensing aspects. He has, in particular, a strong interest and back-ground in (investment) fund regulatory/structuring, DLT/crypto-related aspects, sustai-nable finance, alternative finance (e.g. crowdfunding) and (cross-border) pension funds.