Understanding the Importance of the Olfactory Sense. How to preserve it - Workshops for Little Noses

Parfums Et Bien - EAN : 9782956524823
Édition papier

EAN : 9782956524823

Paru le : 28 juin 2020

25,00 € 23,70 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782956524823
  • Réf. éditeur : 02
  • Editeur : Parfums Et Bien
  • Date Parution : 28 juin 2020
  • Disponibilite : Epuisé
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 92
  • Format : H:210 mm L:150 mm E:7 mm
  • Poids : 198gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : During her research Creezy Courtoy spent a lot of time with gorillas to study the sense of olfaction.

    The sense of olfaction has been neglected and rejected by our society since the 19th Century more focused on
    the senses of sight and hearing considered more “intellectual”.

    Today, we have lost our olfactory sense and must learn again to smell.

    This study explains the importance of the olfactory sense for our health, its physical function and the ways smells travel within our

    « Les Ateliers des Petits Nez » Workshops for Little Noses is an educational program teaching how to preserve the olfactory
    sense for babies, to develop it for children and to restore it for adults.

    This book brings hope of renewal, putting back the olfactory sense next to sight and hearing to balance all of our senses.
    Smelling and wellbeing: this will be the heritage and gifts we leave to our children and next generations.
  • Biographie : Creezy Courtoy is an historian and anthropologist specialising in perfume and olfaction.
    She is also Founder and Chair of the non-profit International Perfume Foundation. www.perfumefoundation.org
    She is giving many talks about perfume history, olfaction and her important research on plant DNA to heal cancer and genetic diseases.

    During her research she spent a lot of time with gorillas to study the sense of olfaction today completely neglected and rejected by our society more focused on the senses of sight and hearing considered more “intellectual”.

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