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Goya. The Complete Graphic Works
EAN : 9783836581516
Paru le : 15 juil. 2025
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- EAN13 : 9783836581516
- Réf. éditeur : 08114
- Editeur : Taschen
- Date Parution : 15 juil. 2025
- Disponibilite : Pas encore paru
- Nombre de pages : 608
- Format : H:304 mm L:243 mm
- Poids : 0gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
With acute powers of observation and artistic innovation, Francisco de Goya captured Spanish society around the dawn of the 19th century Unfolding his creative vision in over 290 prints, he focuses on the violence of the Peninsular War in his Desastres de la Guerra, while his satirical Caprichos pose timeless questions about the nature of humankind.
Biographie :
José Manuel Matilla is the head of the Department of Prints and Drawings at the Prado. He previously coordinated the activities of the Calcografía Nacional de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. His research focusses on drawings and prints by Goya and on Spanish copper engravings of the 17th century.