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Peking Universi - EAN : 9787301149799
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EAN : 9787301149799
Paru le : 1 mars 2009
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Du Lundi au vendredi
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- EAN13 : 9787301149799
- Editeur : Peking Universi
- Date Parution : 1 mars 2009
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 68
- Format : 0.40 x 13.80 x 19.80 cm
- Poids : 114gr
- Résumé : Qingfeng | 青凤 | Green Phoenix 耿(Geng)家的旧房子很长时间没人住了。不知道为什么,房子的门常常自己开了,又自己关上,看不见有人进去,也没看见有人出来,但到了晚上,就能听见里面有人说话和唱歌。一天晚上,耿去病(Geng Qubing)看到旧房子的楼上有亮光,他就慢慢地进到房子里,走上楼。他看见那里坐着一个漂亮的姑娘,还有她的家人。耿去病很喜欢那个姑娘,他想知道那姑娘是谁,他们从哪里来,为什么住在他家的旧房子里。可是,他怎么也想不到以后除了那些事。。。。。。 The old house of the Geng family has been uninhabited for years. But recently the doors of the house open and close without anyone going in or out. And at night one can hear people talking and singing inside. One dark evening, Geng Qubing sees light shining from the attic of the house. He slips into the house, and sees a pretty girl sitting with her family in the attic. Deeply attracted to the girl, Geng Qubing is determined to find out who she is, where her family is from, and why they live in his old house. But what eventually takes place is a shock for him !