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Sinolingua - EAN : 9787513808040
Édition papier
EAN : 9787513808040
Paru le : 1 févr. 2015
13,50 €
12,80 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9787513808040
- Editeur : Sinolingua
- Date Parution : 1 févr. 2015
- Disponibilite : Epuisé
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 120
- Format : 1.00 x 20.60 x 28.10 cm
- Poids : 560gr
- Résumé : The HSK Coursebook has been separated into six levels corresponding to the levels of the HSK test. There are nine books in the series in total: one book for each level 1-4, two books covering level 5 and three books covering level 6. The series was compiled based on the grammar and vocabulary of the HSK outline. After completing each level of the books, learners will be prepared to take their relevant HSK test. By also focusing on communicative abilities and characters, the series helps learners to improve their speaking as well as reading and writing Chinese characters. Each lesson contains sections of new words, dialogues, question and answer practice, notes, characters, exercises, etc. Listening materials for new words, dialogues and listening comprehension exercises are provided on the accompanying audio CDs in MP3 format.