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Adventure in the Amazon
EAN : 9788494947551
Paru le : 8 avr. 2022
Livraison gratuite
en France sans minimum
de commande -
Manquants maintenus
en commande
automatiquement -
Un interlocuteur
unique pour toutes
vos commandes -
Toutes les licences
numériques du marché
au tarif éditeur -
Assistance téléphonique
personalisée sur le
numérique -
Service client
Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9788494947551
- Réf. éditeur : 208961
- Collection : MALAMUTE
- Editeur : Edinumen
- Date Parution : 8 avr. 2022
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 56
- Format : H:260 mm L:202 mm E:5 mm
- Poids : 230gr
Résumé :
Malamute is a series of attractive comic books graded by level and designed specifi cally for students of English.
In Adventure in the Amazon, the reader will fi nd an exciting A2 level story in comic format that also includes:
• A series of activities before, during and after the story.
• An English/Spanish/French glossary which includes the most challenging words and expressions. These words are marked in orange throughout the story.
• A solution to the activities.
Adventure in the Amazon is recommended for both individual reading and for classroom use.In this comic book Jack, Anna and David help their Scientist friend, Peter, to build a new time machine. But when the machine is fi nished and Peter decides to test it, something unexpected happens. At that moment, our characters are forced to make a dangerous journey to the Amazon jungle in search of a rare and precious metal. Will they finally fi nd what they are looking for?