A Stopover on Board - The Sophrological Guide for Aircrew

EAN : 9782959524097
Édition papier

EAN : 9782959524097

Paru le : 11 sept. 2024

24,50 € 23,22 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782959524097
  • Collection : THE SOPHROLOGIC
  • Date Parution : 11 sept. 2024
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 325
  • Format : H:198 mm L:128 mm E:19 mm
  • Poids : 422gr
  • Résumé : Designed for Flight Attendants and pilots, this theoretical and practical guide introduces the various Sophrology methods in order to manage the well-being of the crew members aboard their own appliances, in an autonomous way. Through an effective and practical approach, it is possible to understand and prevent stress, chronic tiredness, insomnia, emotional states such as anxiety, as well as anticipation and prevention of burnout, so as to respond favorably to the problems related to our profession. This book identifies the causes and consequences of negative physical and psychological feelings in order to learn to manage them daily through practical sophrological exercises. In addition to the maintenance of skills and the development of crew « know-how », this sophrology manual opens up the field of « know-to be ». Through the application and mastery of these easy learning techniques and used in professional and personal life, sophrology helps you to develop self-confidence, motivation, creativity, relationship with others, letting go, the cohesion of the team ; stress management, etc. Thus, the crew life in balance with others and oneself, will allow to promote the smooth running of the airline, ensuring its success.

    « A stopover on board » A cabin luggage to carry-on all over the world !
    Une Escale à Bord, Le Guide Sophrologique du PN : in French book
  • Biographie : Founder of the BDSV editions and author, Marilyn Ricaud has been a Flight Attendant since 2002. At the same time, she is also Sophrologist-Relaxologist at SR at HOME and an active member of the Syndical Chamber of Sophrology. Since 2015, Marilyn Ricaud has developed sophrology in the aerial sphere through training courses and sophrological workshops specific to the Aircrews. Her innovative method, Aeronautical Sophrology® by Functional Method® and her success have allowed her to adapt it to the aviation industry, in 2017, through the publication of personal development books related to the avionics field. The first book is intended for the Aircrew and is called «A Stopover on Board, The Sophrological Guide for Aircrew.» The second is intended for Passengers under the name of «I Travel without Stress, The Sophrological Guide for Passenger.» Her books offer a theoretical part and a practical section offering methods in the management of stress, sleep, emotions, etc. through sophrology. Through her works, Marilyn Ricaud offers us a philosophy of well-being, knowledge and self-development. Beyond the sophrological techniques and the understanding of your body language, you will be transported by your reading, in contact with the special collection «Aircrew» or «Passenger-PAX.» Her guides can be used both in professional life and in personal existence to be good on your flight, well on your life...

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