Abracadabri, Abracalphabet!

Books On Demand - EAN : 9782322272518
Édition papier

EAN : 9782322272518

Paru le : 15 déc. 2020

7,50 € 7,11 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782322272518
  • Réf. éditeur : 147330
  • Editeur : Books On Demand
  • Date Parution : 15 déc. 2020
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 28
  • Format : H:220 mm L:170 mm E:2 mm
  • Poids : 68gr
  • Résumé : Alex is curious and asks lots of questions, about everything, all the time. Daddy loves to talk. He likes to feed Alex's curiosity and that eagerness to learn which is unique to childhood. During this first adventure, Alex wants to know more about the symbols he sees on the pages of books. So, after saying a magic formula, they discover together a festival in full swing: clowns, acrobats and tightrope walkers twirl around under a shower of confetti. It's in this imaginary landscape that Daddy introduces Alex to letters and to words while also awakening his phonological awareness. The collection of Word Explorer picture books are a playful introduction to English grammar.
  • Biographie : Laura Joansen (author): After studying literature and communication, I worked as an editor for twelve years. Then, when I became a mum, I became interested in children's language development and in particular in Montessori methods of teaching. I then undertook training as a Montessori teacher and this inspired me to write playful stories which help children learn grammar. Isabel Jones (translation): For most of my life I have lived in Britain but because of my French mother I love the French language. Since having children I have developed a great interest in and enjoyment of picture books. I enjoy playing with words in two languages and the translation of the Word Explorer books is my first adventure in translation.
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