Advanced Spoken Chinese 1 (3e éd.)

Peking Universi - EAN : 9787301246092
Édition papier

EAN : 9787301246092

Paru le : 1 août 2014

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  • EAN13 : 9787301246092
  • Editeur : Peking Universi
  • Date Parution : 1 août 2014
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Poids : 501gr
  • Résumé : 这是一套零起点汉语口语教材。全套分初级1、2、提高篇,中级1、2、提高篇,高级1、2、提高篇9册。教材体例包括课文、语言点、练习及语言文化常识等部分。 本套教材充分体现口语教学特点,主要特色是: 1.课文充分口语化,包含大量日常口语表达方式; 2.语言点讲解通俗明了,易教易学; 3.注重情景、功能及交际任务性训练。 全套教材可供汉语本科生或进修生口语课使用,每个级别三册教材适合每周8-10课时一学年之用。短期生可根据不同级别及课时量灵活选用。 本次修订在第二版基础上,根据当前社会情况更新了部分话题,使其语言更加鲜活,整体面貌更具时代感;修正了原书中的一些差错及不妥当的讲解,更加便于教学和自学;对练习做了个别调整,更加适合口语训练。 This spoken Chinese series can be considered as a classic. It has been well received and highly popular among the Chinese learners as well as teachers. Two revised editions and dozens of reprints have been produced since its first publication in 1996. This series has nine volumes in three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced. Each lesson consists of texts, notes, language points and exercises. This series is highlighted by the following features: 1. Carefully selected learning materials applicable in daily communication; 2. Explicit and easy-to-understand explanations on the language points; 3. Structure-based, communication-centered and application-oriented exercises presented in diverse forms. Each level of the series is designed for students in a conventional Chinese language program or an undergraduate Chinese program to use for a school year. For students in short-term programs, teachers may use the materials selectively based on their level and class period. Major changes in this edition: 1. Outdated contents are revised or replaced; 2. Explanations on the language points are further improved; 3. Some exercises are discarded while more targeted and practical ones are added.
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