Alain Elkann Interviews Vol.2

Assouline - EAN : 9781649803245
Édition papier

EAN : 9781649803245

Paru le : 21 nov. 2024

50,00 € 47,39 €
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  • EAN13 : 9781649803245
  • Editeur : Assouline
  • Date Parution : 21 nov. 2024
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 384
  • Format : H:230 mm L:150 mm E:30 mm
  • Poids : 900gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : Alain Elkann has mastered the art of the interview. A prolific writer and journalist, having published many novels and short stories translated into many languages, Elkann treats his interviews like narratives, allowing them to flow freely and organically. By only preparing one initial question, Elkann brings an innovative style to the age-old craft, ensuring that no two conversations are alike. Maintaining a weekly interview column for the Italian national newspaper La Stampa since 1989, Elkann’s interviews provide an unprecedented window into the minds of some of the most well-known and -respected figures in contemporary culture.

    This new volume compiles interviews from the past several years with fascinating figures, from conceptual artist Marina Abramović to art historian and jewelry designer Diana Widmaier- Picasso; garden architect Fernando Caruncho to garden writer and classicist Robin Lane Fox; chef Alain Ducasse to winemaker Saskia de Rothschild; economist Dambisa Moyo to venture capitalist Chemi Peres; intellectual writer Bernard-Henri Lévy to Pauline Bebe, the first woman rabbi in France. Featuring artists and architects, musicians and journalists, entrepreneurs and religious leaders, playwrights and philosophers, Alain Elkann Interviews is an eclectic collection of international knowledge and experience in many different fields, that can be read like a novel with many characters, or digested one at a time.
  • Biographie : Alain Elkann is an Italian writer and journalist who has been a regular contributor to La Stampa newspaper for thirty-five years. His novels, including The French Father, Envy, Hotel Locarno, Money Must Stay in the Family, Anita and A Single Day, have been translated into many languages. He has also published short stories, nonfiction books and interviews with Chief Rabbi of Rome Elio Toaff, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, as well as with the Italian writer Alberto Moravia and the artists Michelangelo Pistoletto and Giuseppe Penone. Awarded the Légion d’Honneur by the French Republic and a Commendatore of the Italian Republic, Elkann serves as president of the Foundation for Italian Art and Culture and has taught at the University of Pennsylvania and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as at Oxford and at Cornell, which has established the Alain Elkann Collection at the Cornell Library.
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