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Analysis of the Implementation of the Anti Corruption Policy in Burundi: A Case Study of Gihosha Zone
EAN : 9783962031015
Édition papier
EAN : 9783962031015
Paru le : 17 oct. 2019
58,20 €
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- EAN13 : 9783962031015
- Réf. éditeur : 250771
- Date Parution : 17 oct. 2019
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 104
- Format : H:230 mm L:155 mm E:6 mm
- Poids : 187gr
- Résumé : This research aimed at analyzing the implementation of the policy for fighting corruption in Burundi taking reference to a case study of Gihosha zone. The purpose of the study was to discover how the zero tolerance policy to corruption is put from papers to the ground in Gihosha zone. The objectives of the study were: (i) to examine the extent and nature of corruption in Gihosha Zone,(ii) to analyze how the zero tolerance policy to corruption is put from papers to the reality on ground in Gihosha zone and (iii) to suggest the best practices in order to reach effective fight against corruption in Burundi and particularly in Gihosha zone. This study used descriptive and case study research design and opted qualitative research approach. Simple random sampling was used to select respondents with a sample size of 138 participants. The study used both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data were collected using an interview guide while secondary data was obtained by exploring the legislative and lawful texts, the doctrinal works, and works of end of cycle, thesis and so on. The study used interview as data collection technique and interview guide as a tool. For data analysis, 5Likert scales was applied to evaluate the effect of the variables of the study. The research shows that there is undeniably corruption in quite all public services rendered to the population at local level; that the activities of anti corruption agencies are not seen in the population which makes people to ignore the existence of theme and very little effort is done to announce their missions. The recommendations from this study include those concerning the administration systems, preventive actions, the application of the zero tolerance policy, specific actions to be taken to reduce corruption within the policemen, and the role of citizens.
- Biographie : Louis Pasteur MUSONGERA a suivi plusieurs formations militaires tant du niveau opérationnel que du niveau stratégique militaire. Il est également détenteur d'un diplôme de licence en droit, un diplôme des hautes études de stratégies et de défense, un master en sciences de gouvernance et un master exécutif en Sécurité internationale et management stratégique et opérationnel des risques. En plus, il est membre de l'African Security Sector Network (ASSN), un réseau d'experts africains dans le secteur de la sécurité. Il est formateur en droit de l'homme et droit international humanitaire et jouit d'une expérience dans le processus DDR.