Artificial Intelligence

Eska - EAN : 9782747232890
Édition papier

EAN : 9782747232890

Paru le : 11 août 2022

25,90 € 24,55 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782747232890
  • Réf. éditeur : 217498
  • Collection : GESTION COMMUNI
  • Editeur : Eska
  • Date Parution : 11 août 2022
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 216
  • Format : H:218 mm L:134 mm E:16 mm
  • Poids : 266gr
  • Résumé : One thing is certain, the use of artificial intelligence within a company is far from being a mere fad. Having profoundly modified working methods, technological solutions based on artificial intelligence are promising in terms of effectively contributing to the development of organizational performance. Nevertheless, it remains obvious that these techniques cannot remain unchanged over time. It is therefore difficult to establish standards for artificial intelligence as its techniques evolve rapidly with the evolution of the power of the digital tools at our disposal, which, with the appearance of quantum computers, seems limitless. All companies that have not opted for these techniques will end up regretting it in a few years. From the point of view of competitiveness, only companies that have adopted artificial intelligence for innovative technologies relayed by increasingly precise algorithms from a predictive point of view, will be able to ensure a more serene and faster growth. From the production chain to customer relations, logistics and human resources, artificial intelligence is here. Combined with other technologies, it provides a 360° vision of customers, delivers predictive analyses, and provides contextualized answers by drawing on all data, structured or not. Today, many executives want to know how artificial intelligence can help them transform their business, automate some of their processes, or increase their productivity and relevance. This book will enlighten them, reassure them, and accompany them on this path of transformation.
  • Biographie : After a career as an executive in large international groups such as Tetra Pak, Renault Trucks, Volvo and GL Events, Pascal MONTAGNON joined INSEEC U in 2014 (which has since become OMNES EDUCATION), as a permanent professor of strategy and management. In 2016, he took over the direction of the Digital Innovation, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Chaire. With a dedicated team of researchers, this Chaire aims to study the digital maturity of companies and the impacts of AI on business and organizational models (marketing, finance, HR, etc.). He is also an international speaker, bringing his expertise and experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence and digital innovation. He is also the author of numerous articles and several books related to Artificial Intelligence. He is a regular contributor to Forbes business magazine.
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