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Gallimard - EAN : 9782070533794
Édition papier
EAN : 9782070533794
Paru le : 26 mars 1996
13,45 €
12,75 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782070533794
- Réf. éditeur : A53379
- Collection : DECOUVERTES GAL
- Editeur : Gallimard
- Date Parution : 26 mars 1996
- Disponibilite : Manque sans date
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 160
- Format : H:178 mm L:125 mm E:10 mm
- Poids : 254gr
- Résumé : An old man in an artist's smock preparing his easel and brushes in the corner of a field : such is the image of Corot - an artist who painted open-air studies throughout his career. As he himself said, he had only one goal : to create landscapes. His open-air studies in Italy, Fontainebleau, Ville-d'Avray and Normandy were followed by his "souvenir" compositions in the studio, making Corot, who attached great importance to the figure, the major historical landscape painter of the nineteenth century. With his idyllic reinterpretations of nature, he created a poetic world examplified in Souvenir de Mortefontaine.Vincent Pomarède et Gérard de Wallens here recreate Corot's life and work.