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Bonjinsha - EAN : 9784757422780
Édition papier
EAN : 9784757422780
Paru le : 15 févr. 2019
58,00 €
54,98 €
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- EAN13 : 9784757422780
- Editeur : Bonjinsha
- Date Parution : 15 févr. 2019
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 317
- Format : H:183 mm L:257 mm E:20 mm
- Poids : 640gr
- Résumé : Dekiru Nihongo is aimed at helping learners to sharpen their Japanese communication skills. The book is the third book of the Dekiru Nihongo series, including 20 chapters. Learners need to share their thoughts or do a role play in every section of the chapters. These parts address different daily life situations. The book introduces new grammar rules, phrases, and vocabularies through the reading text. The provided CDS includes audio conversion examples. Book Structure Every chapter starts with a discussion. The learner is invited to share his experiences or expectations in this part. After an introduction, each chapter is divided in four parts: In a situation. The learner will practice his skills on how to invite, ask for help or give advice. Look into a poster, pamphlet, or article. This part will improve your reading and writing skills. Based on a text, the learner will have to share his thoughts and experience. Listen to News, conversation or interviews. This part will improve your listening skils. The learner will have to answer questions. Then, he will be able to share his thoughts, knowledge, and experience. Complete the challenge- Learners have to think how to convey their opinion.