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Exploring for the Sake of Exploring in the Living Arts with L’L
EAN : 9782960153361
Édition papier
EAN : 9782960153361
Paru le : 1 juil. 2022
7,00 €
6,64 €
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- EAN13 : 9782960153361
- Collection : OPEN QUESTIONS
- Date Parution : 1 juil. 2022
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 144
- Format : H:130 mm L:210 mm E:12 mm
- Poids : 180gr
- Résumé : This first instalment sets out to let us hear the voice of L’L and to present the activities of this Brussels cultural project, which is devoted to exploration in the performing arts. How has this radical idea, of exploring for exploration’s sake, informed a practice of experimentation and learning? What have its effects and consequences been? This text offers an initial way of answering those questions. Later instalments will take up the themes presented here and will extend and expand them. “This text has to meet a demanding requirement: it has to find the right tone to give a voice to L’L, a Brussels cultural project that, since 2008, has devoted itself to exploration in the performing arts. The idea is not to justify L’L or to appraise it – the experience and its effects have generated enough confidence to confirm that the venture was a necessary one and that it remains as important as ever to persist with it. The aim is, rather, to engage in a deeper dialogue with the people who have been involved with L’L and who have contributed to its development: the L’L team, those who have pursued their explorations at L’L, and our partners. And then, on the basis of the L’L adventure, to give other people a vivid sense of what its activities and its often uncertain continuity have had to offer in the way of experimentation and learning and to give an idea of what it has achieved so far. And, having given it a voice in that way, to support and amplify that voice, to make it heard more widely, to arouse the interest of people who may find it of interest, and to be of assistance to others interested in these issues, by trying to share the experience and to look in some depth at one approach, among others, in the performing arts.” Following his earlier training in sociology and philosophy and after obtaining a doctorate in public health and bioethics, Pierre Boitte pursued an academic career in healthcare ethics and clinical ethics.
- Biographie : L’L éditions basée à Bruxelles a été créée fin 2019 en vue de transmettre et de partager l’expérience inédite de L’L | chercher autrement en arts vivants qu’est l’activité de chercher pour chercher depuis les arts vivants. Sa particularité est de n’éditer que d’ancien·nes chercheur·es ayant travaillé à L’L, et à propos de matériaux ayant un lien avec la recherche menée ; ou de ne publier que des ouvrages qui partent de l’activité de L’L et sont en lien avec elle. Une seconde particularité de ces publications est de considérer la forme livresque comme un objet digne d’intérêt, tant dans sa capacité à transcrire un contenu chaque fois inédit que dans le processus de fabrication qui aboutit à un objet unique – dans sa forme et sa texture (format, papier, reliure, mise en page, typographie). Un tel choix suppose un temps nécessaire à l’élaboration et à la fabrication d’une œuvre, qui inclut aussi le temps d’une rencontre entre les «artisan·es» concerné·es : auteur·es, équipe de L’L, graphiste et équipe de l’imprimerie.