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Faculty Development Program among Tertiary Schools in Malabon and Navotas, Philippines as the Basic of Quality Management: An Assessment
EAN : 9783962030612
Édition papier
EAN : 9783962030612
Paru le : 23 janv. 2019
47,40 €
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- EAN13 : 9783962030612
- Réf. éditeur : 250753
- Date Parution : 23 janv. 2019
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 142
- Format : H:230 mm L:155 mm E:7 mm
- Poids : 223gr
- Résumé : The study aimed to determine the Faculty Development Program implemented among Tertiary schools in Malabon and Navotas as a basis of quality management. Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? 2. How effective is the implementation of the faculty development program as assessed by the administrators and faculty in the public and private schools? 3. Is there a significant difference in the respondents' assessment of the faculty development program in the public and private schools on the above cited indicators? 4. What are the constraints/problems encountered in the implementation of the faculty development program in the public and private schools? 5. Is there significant difference in the constraints/problems encountered by the respondents in the implementation of faculty development plan in the public and private schools? Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are offered: 1. The schools administration shall enhance their managerial skills to improve the designs of school program especially for the professional growth of the faculty. 2. The teachers shall partake in decision making especially if it will affect the professional skill. Teachers must develop intrinsic drive to continuously update themselves through continuing professional education, seminars, and in-service training offered by CHED.
- Biographie : Maria Veronica G. Plopinio-Francisco Ed.D., is the OIC/Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of the City of Malabon University, Philippines. She is also connected with Manila Central University, Philippines, under the College of Physical Therapy. Her research interest is on Faculty Development program and other managerial related studies.