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Henry Ford
- EAN : 9782806294524
Édition papier
EAN : 9782806294524
Paru le : 24 mai 2017
9,99 €
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de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782806294524
- Réf. éditeur : 233989
- Date Parution : 24 mai 2017
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 42
- Format : H:180 mm L:120 mm E:3 mm
- Poids : 53gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
- Résumé : Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life of Henry Ford in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life and career of Henry Ford. Prior to the early 20th century, a car was a luxury that only a privileged few could afford, but this all changed thanks to Ford. His moving assembly line drastically reduced the cost of vehicles such as the Ford Model T, and he raised wages so that workers could buy the cars they built. His innovations changed the face of industry, and paved the way for mass production and consumption. In just 50 minutes you will: • Learn about Ford's early life and career before founding the Ford Motor Company • Understand the success of his production line and the Ford Model T • Discover the impact of his innovations on American industry and society ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture 50MINUTES.COM will enable you to quickly understand the main events, people, conflicts and discoveries from world history that have shaped the world we live in today. Our publications present the key information on a wide variety of topics in a quick and accessible way that is guaranteed to save you time on your journey of discovery.