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How to become a successful trader
JDH - EAN : 9782381271996
Édition papier
EAN : 9782381271996
Paru le : 12 oct. 2021
49,00 €
46,45 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782381271996
- Réf. éditeur : 190312
- Collection : JDH EDITIONS
- Editeur : JDH
- Date Parution : 12 oct. 2021
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 336
- Format : H:234 mm L:156 mm E:20 mm
- Poids : 573gr
- Résumé : The French Best Seller of Trading is coming to the English-speaking world! As a reference book, written by a web influencer, it can be used as a learning manual but also as a book for expert traders who would like to improve their methods of trading. You will learn how to really make money on financial markets, this book giving you the tools to improve and maximize your methods so you can outdo yourself in trading. You will learn how to develop your personal trading method in order to become an independent successful trader being able to create your own method, your money management, your trading rules and your trader's ritual. Scalping and day-trading are also explained so they can become your reality. Some QR codes will refer you to restricted and exclusive videos.
- Biographie : Benoist Rousseau est bloggeur, écrivain et trader pour compte propre. Diplômé en histoire économique à la Sorbonne, Benoist Rousseau a été professeur d'histoire pendant dix ans. En 2010, il a fondé le site qui est devenu en quelques années une référence dans le domaine du trading. Auteur du best-seller « Devenez trader pro », il partage ainsi avec générosité sa passion pour le trading. Benoist Rousseau is a historian, blogger and french independent trader. After being a teacher for 10 years, he resigned to become self-employed trader and opened website where he shares his visions on trading, his economic analyses and his thoughts on the evolution of society. forum, which has more than a million posts, lets traders, both amateur and professional, exchange ideas about their passion in a respectful environment.