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How to work with independents in France ?
Transifi - EAN : 9782955987391
Édition papier
EAN : 9782955987391
Paru le : 19 mai 2017
9,90 €
9,38 €
Pour connaître votre prix et commander, identifiez-vous
Notre engagement qualité
Livraison gratuite
en France sans minimum
de commande -
Manquants maintenus
en commande
automatiquement -
Un interlocuteur
unique pour toutes
vos commandes -
Toutes les licences
numériques du marché
au tarif éditeur -
Assistance téléphonique
personalisée sur le
numérique -
Service client
Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782955987391
- Réf. éditeur : HOWTO
- Editeur : Transifi
- Date Parution : 19 mai 2017
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 100
- Format : H:229 mm L:152 mm E:10 mm
- Poids : 150gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
Companies are increasingly calling upon the services of independent consultants. But what are the risks involved in working with an external consultant? How do you make sure the relationship isn't requalified as an employment contract? How do self-employed workers successfully fit into companies? These are just some of the questions a business leader might consider before calling in an external expert.
Companies looking to commission external contributors will find a step-by-step method and tools in this book, which is written for:
- companies who would like to work with independents based in France,
- and external consultants who, in the course of their assignments, enlist other independents.
It will give you tools and tips to help you:
- understand the implications of your legal status,
- secure a relationship with an independent worker,
- start a project under the best possible conditions,
- bring a service to a close and ensure a smooth handover.
These best practices are based on the concrete experiences of thirty or so experts from different complementary backgrounds.
This book is derived from the last chapter of "Travaillez comme indépendant en mode mission," by the same author.
Biographie :
Aged 39, Daniel Pardo brings over 15 years of experience in French and international management, where he has optimized structures worth between M€20 and several billion Euros. He has directly managed teams of up to thirty people.
In 2011, anticipating changes in the labor market, he created a company that enables him to work as an interim manager for very large groups. Daniel Pardo is the founder and manager of Flexi-Entrepreneur, an umbrella company. Every day, his job is to make work smoother between independent experts and companies. Assignment-based work is a real opportunity – and it was the motivation for publishing this book.