Ikebana Masterclass

EAN : 9789058566287
Édition papier

EAN : 9789058566287

Paru le : 30 août 2020

59,90 € 56,78 €
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A paraître 30 août 2020
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  • EAN13 : 9789058566287
  • Date Parution : 30 août 2020
  • Disponibilite : Pas encore paru
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 208
  • Format : H:290 mm L:240 mm E:1 mm
  • Poids : 0gr
  • Résumé : Masterclass Ikebana is the eighth book in the Stichting Kunstboek's international series focusing on Ikebana. These books didn't go unnoticed and over the years found their way to the various Ikebana Headquarters in Japan and their Iemoto. We are pleased to announce that for this edition we can count on the cooperation of the grand masters (Iemoto) of the five largest ikebana schools (Sogetsu, Ichiyo, Ikenobo, Ohara and Misho). The relationships between the different Ikebana schools have not always been easy, which is why we are more than proud of this collaboration, which, as far as we know, is exceptional. In addition to a presentation of the various Iemoto, the philosophy and principles of their respective schools and the reproduction of some of their masterpieces, we can count on the efforts of many international Ikebana artists who put their best foot forward for this special book. Masterclass Ikebana is a wonderful inspiration book and an opportunity for advanced students to take their art and creativity to the next level.
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