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John and the lampman
EAN : 9782507057398
Paru le : 21 avr. 2022
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782507057398
- Réf. éditeur : 978250705739
- Collection : JEUNESSE
- Editeur : Renaissance Du
- Date Parution : 21 avr. 2022
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 45
- Format : H:215 mm L:217 mm E:12 mm
- Poids : 324gr
Résumé :
Saturday April 2, 1927. John, a young schoolboy, is happy it's the holidays. He will finally be able to rest and read all day. But his friends have other ideas. Once again they take him with them to admire the passing locomotives, the shunting yard, the roundhouse... All of them are children of railwaymen and passionate about trains, except John.
One stormy evening, John sees a strange light dancing in the snow through his bedroom window. Intrigued, he decides to brave the cold and snow to unravel the mystery. Alfred, the lampman, is waiting for him. Around the fire, the old man tells the child about his job and the enchanted world of the trains of yesterday and today. Is John dreaming ? One thing is certain, this encounter will change his view of his family, his friends and the world around him.
Take the train and let yourself be carried away by this adventure full of magic and sweetness. And to find out more, a few important dates in the history of the Belgian railways and a glossary are included at the end of the book.
Biographie :
Après avoir été vitrailleur pendant 4 ans, Olivier Auquier est depuis responsable artistique du studio d’animation DreamWall, né d’un partenariat antre les éditions Dupuis et la RTBF. Avec cet album jeunesse, il renoue avec ses premières amours : le dessin.