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Quae - EAN : 9782759234660
Édition papier
EAN : 9782759234660
Paru le : 10 déc. 2021
35,00 €
33,18 €
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- EAN13 : 9782759234660
- Réf. éditeur : 197523
- Collection : SAVOIR FAIRE
- Editeur : Quae
- Date Parution : 10 déc. 2021
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Poids : 701gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
- Résumé : Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the internationally recognized method to assess the environmental impacts of products and services. Its application to agri-food systems in developing or emerging contexts is recent and represents many challenges of scientific, partnerial and operational nature. With more than 10 years of scientific and field experience, the CIRAD LCA team has synthesized, with other internationally recognized experts, the best knowledge and approaches available to apply LCA under these conditions. This operational guide is a useful tool for LCA practitioners; it provides best practice recommendations to carry out LCA studies on agri-food products in developing and emerging contexts.
- Biographie : Agronomist and LCA scientist since early 2000s. She has been involved in applying and adapting the LCA framework to agrifood chains (animal and crop production) in a wide range of situations and countries (France, New Zealand, Caribbean islands, Africa, Asia). Her main research interests relate to the inclusion of agricultural systems diversity, the modelling of field emissions and flows, the modelling of perennial crops within LCA, the inclusion of uncertainty and more recently the modelling of biodiversity due to LULUC in LCA.