Living with Architectures as Art

Holberton - EAN : 9781912168194
Collectif Collectif
Édition papier

EAN : 9781912168194

Paru le : 5 févr. 2021

295,00 € 279,62 €
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  • EAN13 : 9781912168194
  • Editeur : Holberton
  • Date Parution : 5 févr. 2021
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 704
  • Format : H:100 mm L:342 mm E:417 mm
  • Poids : 8.272kg
  • Résumé : Cette magnifique publication en deux volumes fait découvrir aux lecteurs l’une des plus grandes collections privées de dessins architecturaux au monde. Mettant en valeur des dessins et des modèles et objets étroitement liés datant de 1691 au milieu du XXème siècle, ce somptueux pavé inclut à la fois un catalogue et de nouveaux textes provenant d’autorités expertes. Il fournit un regard intéressant sur ces produits dérivés de formation et pratique architecturales qui sont souvent très beaux. One of the largest private collections of architectural drawings in the world has been assembled over 30 years by investor and philanthropist Peter May. Comprising more than 600 sheets that have all been carefully preserved and handsomely framed, the drawings and related models and artefacts date from 1691 to the mid 20th century. This handsome two-volume publication will introduce amateurs and specialists alike to the largely unknown collection. The book includes a catalogue and innovative texts by leading authorities that present the raison-d’être for the production and preservation of these sometimes neglected by-products of architectural training and practice that have been collected off-and-on through history by individuals and institutions. The architectural sheets acquired for the collection are principally 19th- or early 20thcentury competition or certification drawings by design students. Others are presentation drawings for public commissions, reconstruction studies or interior designs. The catalogue is arranged by category, to demonstrate May’s inclination towards specific building types such as commercial or cultural institutions, train stations and spas, landmarks and monuments, private and royal residences, and cast-iron architecture. Also included is a category for landscape designs and garden architecture, reflecting May’s experience as a gentleman farmer with a predilection for building. Peter May informs the reader about his history as a collector and builder. Maureen Cassidy- Geiger discusses the formation of the collection and with Basile Baudez introduces the French system of architectural education, from which some of the finest drawings come. Charles Hind offers a history of design training in Britain and writes about patterns of collecting and the market for architectural drawings. Matthew Wells’s subject is the history of architectural models.
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