Phaidon France - EAN : 9780714878799
Lotta Nieminen
Édition papier

EAN : 9780714878799

Paru le : 10 mars 2021

59,95 € 56,82 €
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  • EAN13 : 9780714878799
  • Réf. éditeur : AU05401
  • Collection : GB DOCUMENTAIRE
  • Editeur : Phaidon France
  • Date Parution : 10 mars 2021
  • Disponibilite : Ne sera plus distribué par nous
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Format : H:1 mm L:1 mm E:1 mm
  • Poids : 1.201kg
  • Résumé : Sift flour, pour milk, crack eggs, chop vegetables, knead dough, ladle batter, preheat the oven, cut corn off the cob, add toppings, spread sauce, flip pancakes ... all inside these books! Wheels, tabs, textures, and sliders invite children to engage in each step of the cooking process, while removable pop-outs of the finished foods allow them to proudly share their creations. This set comes in a beautifully designed reusable box, perfect for kitchen shelves - the ideal gift for budding chefs!
  • Biographie : Lotta Nieminen is an illustrator, graphic designer, and art director from Helsinki, Finland, now running her own NYCbased studio. She has been nominated for Forbes magazine's 30-Under-30 list and received the Art Directors Club Young Guns Award. Her extensive client list includes Google, The New York Times, and Vanity Fair.
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