My melody

EAN : 9782414580903
Édition papier

EAN : 9782414580903

Paru le : 19 juil. 2022

21,00 € 19,91 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782414580903
  • Réf. éditeur : 1066693
  • Date Parution : 19 juil. 2022
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 238
  • Format : H:235 mm L:155 mm E:13 mm
  • Poids : 312gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : The book, My Melody 210 Lyrics, by Nur ALOM, a Bangladeshi who migrated to France as a young man, reflects on his life and experiences. In it, he muses over such things as drowsiness, smiles, trees, rain, and birds. As a newcomer to France, he writes about such things as the amazing city of Paris, its metro, a visit to Chamonix; seeing snow for the first time, paragliding, visiting Les Treilles and Les Arcs, and the Rhone fleuve. As a Bangladeshi, he reminisces about his Kirtinasha home, the custom of calling special occasions days of color, Bangladeshi independence, the Kashful, rice paddies, coloring the skin yellow and other colors on special occasions, and fireflies. As a Muslim, he writes about Eid, madrasahs, worshippers, God, prayers, the Qur'an, the creator, the creation, resurrection, the forbidden, reconciliation, and the morning of Ramadan. He explores such human evocations as love, shame, greed, cruelty, truth, tears, selfishness, begging and pain. And he writes about magic, song, touch, being inside or outside, the messages of eyes, friendship, and the bound mind. And finally, he writes about the magic of poetry itself. It is a compilation of Nur ALOM's poetry written over many years, reflecting a life of strong emotions and deep feelings.
  • Biographie : Nur ALOM was born in Hasherkandi, Bangladesh on September 8, 1981. He then was admitted to the National University at Bangladesh where he earned a degree studying history, Political Science and Arabic. Nur studied French literature at the Secours Catholique and the la Sorbonne, hotel management at AFCI, and at the University of Perpignan for law and economic and les Hôpitaux de Paris.   Nur's first book of poetry, On the Banks of the Kirtinasha, was published in 2017 in French and English in France. His second book of poetry, Tears of Vowels and Consonants, came out in 2018. His third book, Sayapoth : In the Shadow of the Galaxy, came out in 2019. His fourth book, Play House V came out in 2020. He is currently working on additional poetry, short stories and novels. He expects that his next book Chubbu will come soon. See a list of all his books next to the cover page.
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