Paul Langevin, my father

Edp Sciences - EAN : 9782759827824
Édition papier

EAN : 9782759827824

Paru le : 22 mars 2023

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  • EAN13 : 9782759827824
  • Réf. éditeur : 271927
  • Collection : SCIENCES ET HIS
  • Editeur : Edp Sciences
  • Date Parution : 22 mars 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Poids : 701gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : PAUL LANGEVIN (1872-1946) was a renowned French physicist, humanist, and educationalist. This biography by his son André, originally published in French in 1972 and here translated into English for the first time, is enhanced by numerous quotations from his friends, scientific and political colleagues, family and by Paul Langevin himself. Close to the Curies, Einstein, and Rutherford, this is a vivid account of a life lived at the core of physics turned upside down by the discovery of radioactivity and X-rays, by the theory of quanta, by relativity and by wave mechanics. Langevin himself was the originator of ultrasonics, a profound theorist of magnetism and of statistical mechanics and an evangelist for relativity. His utter commitment to rational science was equally applied to social justice. His life was deeply affected by both world wars and the political turmoil between them, during which he publicly opposed fascism and supported communist principles. In this personal, intimate account of his life, we find a generous, courageous, loving, brilliant human being. There is much in his understanding of humanity and the resolution of conflicts that remains relevant today.
  • Biographie : Francis DUCK is a retired medical physicist. During his career developing many aspects of the medical uses of ultrasound, he worked at University College Hospital, London, Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, the Institute of Cancer Research UK, and finally in Bath UK. He has published widely. His 1990 Physical Properties of Tissue remains a key sourcebook. Since retirement he has followed his interest in the history of medical physics. His historical review, Physicists and Physicians, was published in 2013 and his joint biography of the early radiological sisters Edith and Florence Stoney, was published in 2019. The 150th anniversary of Langevin's birth in 2022 has brought him back to his roots in ultrasonics.
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