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Plastic Bashing : Fake News ?
EAN : 9782749182315
Paru le : 2 déc. 2024
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Du Lundi au vendredi
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- EAN13 : 9782749182315
- Réf. éditeur : 1040479
- Collection : DOCUMENTS
- Editeur : Cherche Midi
- Date Parution : 2 déc. 2024
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 272
- Format : H:212 mm L:142 mm E:23 mm
- Poids : 278gr
Résumé :
The negative press and political opposition to plastic hide
a complex reality. When criticism is left unchallenged, our
right to open debate is frustrated.
What is the real situation with plastic? Is it truly public
enemy number 1?
Without dodging the core issues, this book provides scientific
and technological points of reference. It advocates for
an approach that is coherently aligned with international
initiatives and calls for reindustrialisation in France.
Sorting, collecting, composting, recycling, and reusing–
more realistic, environmentally-friendly, and economically-
viable solut ions exist, providing an
alternative path to the dead end created by French legislation.
This book calls for carefully-considered awareness,
because before we condemn or defend, it is crucial that
we understand.