Ramadan In Yemen

Bessard - EAN : 9782953720402
Édition papier

EAN : 9782953720402

Paru le : 1 déc. 2011

75,00 € 71,09 €
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    Du Lundi au vendredi
    de 9h à 18h
  • EAN13 : 9782953720402
  • Collection : BEAUX LIVRES
  • Editeur : Bessard
  • Date Parution : 1 déc. 2011
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 92
  • Format : H:280 mm L:280 mm E:35 mm
  • Poids : 1.7kg
  • Résumé : What could I say about Yemen that did it justice. I tried in my journal to work it honestly. I tried with 60 rolls of black and white 120 film to translate the experience. That hot, spare and beautiful Ramadan.
    No eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset. The faithful waiting for the moment. The cannon booms from the mosque in the afterglow of the day. KABOUMMM and a frenzy of quat buying, tea drinking and food eating begins in the suqs and squares and oases and towns all over the country. Everyone happy, elated laughing and joking sitting down together as one nation.
    And you know what, people always wanted me to share and be part of their Ramadan, their community, their Yemen. I travelled all over the country with them. To Shibam, Taizz, Al Mukallah, Sanaa, over the desert, by the sea and into the mountains. The shared taxis were always a half past dead Peugeot 405’s with sometimes 10 or 12 people jammed in.
    The 92 pages of this book give my version of that unforgettable Ramadan month. An experience freely given to me by the generosity of Yemeni people.
    ©Max Pam

    In combining black and white documentary photographs with handwritten journal entries, annotations, notes and other visual marks and ephemera, Pam creates an intimate journal of his life.
    Each photograph is shaped by incidents experienced as a traveller, ‘His photographs extend upon the tradition of the gazetteer; each photograph a record of an experience, a personal account of an encounter somewhere in the world. Each glimpse is part of an unfolding story rather than simply a record of a place observed. While travel underscores his production Pam’s photographs are not the accidental evidence of a tourist.’
    His latest book, or journal, Ramadan in Yemen — which is beautifully designed by Titus Nemeth — draws from a body of work made in 1993; a period marked by the countries first national election, and during what Pam describes as a ‘hot, spare and beautiful Ramadan May.’ Working exclusively in black and white, and with the square format, Pam exposed 60 rolls of medium-format film as he explored the country; translating his experiences into a series of images and diary entries.
    The combination of image and Pam’s handwritten journal entries, offers and intimate and very personal document of a country — which had only seen the south and north unified three years earlier — at a critical juncture in its history. As he writes about his experiences, his own photographs and the architecture, the visual experience of Ramadan in Yemen comes to life, as his unique visual approach so often does.

    Ramadan in Yemen is published by Éditions Bessard in an edition of 1000 numbered copies, each housed in a handmade clamshell box.©Wayne Ford
  • Biographie : Max Pam (born 1949, Melbourne) is one of the most famous contemporary Australian photographers. His life story is illustrative about the thirst of young Australians to escape the slow, traditional and isolated Australian lifestyle in favour of seeing, touching, smelling, experiencing the world of overseas. At present Max Pam lives in Fremantle. His appartment offers the view of the harbour of Fremantle, which in the ninteen seventies and later on served as his gateway to the world. Max Pam's key to his personal discovery of photography happened in Melbourne, where he grew up, surfing, failing highschool then working as a darkroom monkey in various photo labs.. In 1970 Max made his first voyage out of Australia with a camera a lot easier-to-handle travel companion than the surfboard. Max travelled with a camera, enjoyed photographing every emotional moment, acquaintances, incidents of his travel, at the same time strictly budgeting his shots per day, turning only the most intense moments into pictures. Having started to travel at the age of twenty, Max Pam continues to do so, afterwards compiling his photographs, drawings, collages, into travel journals. His photographs feature Asia: India, Pakistan, Yemen, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Indian Ocean rim islands, Africa: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mauritius, Madagascar. In the past decade his work has also looked at Europe and Australia. His first solo exhibition was at Melbourne University(1973) . His international breakthrough came when his work was included in a group exhibition at the Arles photo festival 1982 titled En état de voyage with five other photographers, they were: Robert Frank, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Klein, Danny Lyon and Bernard Plossu . His premiere International solo exhibition overseas was at the Arles Photo Festival in 1986. More individual shows followed at the: Comptoir de la Photographie, Paris in (1990), followed by survey shows at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1991 and at the Nara Sogo Museum of Art, Japan (1992). Then a major show at Photo Espana, Madrid in 2002 and another survey show at the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth (2002) The most recent comprehensive exhibition was Max Pam: Going East. at Eaton Fine Art, West Palm Beach, Florida (2007). Now Max Pam teaches Photomedia at Edith Cowan University, Perth. Whilst living in London In the early 1990’s Max Pam was invited to begin the process of joining Magnum Photo Agency, he turned down the offer instead joining Metis Images in Paris in 1992. Pam's works have been published in Australian and international art and travel magazines. His book Going East was featured in Phaidon’s History of the Photobook (Martin Parr) Vol 2 in 2006 His prints are in national and private collections in Australia, France, Great Britain Italy and Japan. Max Pam published several photographic books, including “Max Pam” (1999), “Ethiopia” (1999), “Indian Ocean Journals” (2000). But it was the first one Going East: Twenty Years of
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