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Secrets of Versailles
EAN : 9782840967514
Paru le : 13 juil. 2011
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782840967514
- Réf. éditeur : 499097
- Collection : GUID ILLUST THE
- Editeur : Parigramme
- Date Parution : 13 juil. 2011
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 203
- Format : H:211 mm L:143 mm E:15 mm
- Poids : 440gr
Résumé :
The palace and beyond
English version
Dernier achevé d'imprimé : juillet 2023.A royal lookout in the heart of the city, a fireproof ministry, a garden built as an Anglo-Chinese folly, peculiar paving stones in front of the Palace entrance, hidden passageways and staircases, an amazing "Room of Beauties,' an old wall in the roof space above the Hall of Mirrors, courtiers at the corners of a ceiling, the workshop of an ironworking king, a kennel in an antechamber, an eighteenth-century clock programmed to work until 9999, the desk which ended a world war, a giant underground water tank, a farm on the royal grounds, sleighs for sliding along the frozen Grand Canal, enigmatic female sphinxes... the curiosities and secrets of Versailles still have surprises in store!
Art historian Nicolas Jacquet is an expert on architectural history. He is the author of "Façades lyonnaises' (Éditions Les Beaux Jours, 2008).