Summary: The Google Story

EAN : 9782511042151
Édition papier

EAN : 9782511042151

Paru le : 14 sept. 2016

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  • EAN13 : 9782511042151
  • Réf. éditeur : 230586
  • Collection : BUSINESS BOOK S
  • Date Parution : 14 sept. 2016
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 48
  • Format : H:180 mm L:120 mm E:3 mm
  • Poids : 59gr
  • Résumé : The must-read summary of David Vise and Mark Malseed's book "The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media and Technology Success of Our Time".

    This complete summary of the ideas from David Vise and Mark Malseed's book "The Google Story" tells the tale of the rise of one of the most remarkable internet stars of our time. In 1998, when Sergey Brin and Larry Page dropped out of Stanford University, they decided to create a search engine that would organise every bit of information on the Web. In their book, Vise and Malseed explain how the two friends kept control of Google despite pressure from their investors. This summary also tells how the company challenged Microsoft's dominance and wrestled with difficult choices.

    Added-value of this summary:
    • Save time
    • Understand key concepts
    • Expand your knowledge

    To learn more, read "The Google Story" and discover the secrets behind the powerhouse company that has revolutionised access to information.
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