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EAN : 9788956057361
Édition papier
EAN : 9788956057361
Paru le : 1 juil. 2014
27,00 €
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- EAN13 : 9788956057361
- Date Parution : 1 juil. 2014
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 228
- Format : H:20 mm L:210 mm E:148 mm
- Poids : 462gr
- Résumé : Survival Korean is a collaborative effort between Talk To Me In Korean and Seoulistic. Talk To Me In Korean is a major contributor in the globalization of Korean language and culture through the production of various Korean lessons taught in English for overseas learners. Seoulistic creates fun blog posts and videos with tips for traveling/living in Korea, which also help people better understand Korean culture. By using Survival Korean, readers can learn more than 350 useful expressions and words that have been sorted by situations that one may encounter while traveling or living in Korea, and find helpful culture tips about the situations where the expressions are used so that not only travelers, but expats who are living in Korea, can avoid miscommunication and social blunders. The beginning section of the book provides basic and essential grammar and information, including how to read Hangeul, numbers in Korean, how sentences are formed in Korean, which can come in handy when readers want to more actively communicate with locals.