Tales from China’s Classic Essential Readings---Tales from Hundreds Surnames (Chinois - Thai)

Sinolingua - EAN : 9787513804059
Édition papier

EAN : 9787513804059

Paru le : 10 mai 2012

28,00 € 26,54 €
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  • EAN13 : 9787513804059
  • Editeur : Sinolingua
  • Date Parution : 10 mai 2012
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 185
  • Format : H:170 mm L:240 mm E:10 mm
  • Poids : 360gr
  • Résumé : "Tales from China’s Classic Essential Readings is a series of four books offering a selection of popular tales from the Three Character Classic, Hundred Family Surnames, Thousand Character Classic, and Children's Knowledge Treasury. The tales are introduced in simple and concise, yet interesting language. Through the books, the readers will become acquainted with Chinese culture and history as well as traditional Chinese thinking, morality, and ethics. This series is suitable for young readers and anyone who would like to know about Chinese history and culture. This series boast the following features:  Concise and lively stories in both Chinese and English to enable readers of different Chinese levels to gain a thorough understanding.  Original classic texts were included with pinyin transcriptions to help readers with pronunciation while enjoying classic Chinese writings.  Each story is accompanied by illustrations in artistic Chinese styles. "
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