The 5 Labours of Europe

Concurrences - EAN : 9781939007377
Édition papier

EAN : 9781939007377

Paru le : 30 avr. 2024

25,00 € 23,70 €
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  • EAN13 : 9781939007377
  • Editeur : Concurrences
  • Date Parution : 30 avr. 2024
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 360
  • Format : H:140 mm L:216 mm E:18.9 mm
  • Poids : 418gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : For over 60 years, the European project has been the catalyst for prosperity, democracy, and social peace. Today, while it still inspires great hopes, it faces crucial challenges. Its engine seems to have stalled, as evidenced by Europe’s decline in technology, economy, finance and education. How can we stop the downfall and reverse the trend? How can we maximize the European construction to enhance the prosperity of Member States by 2030, alleviate social tensions, strengthen our democracies, become more eco-responsible, and build a common defense less dependent on the United States? The aim of this captivating essay, based on in-depth knowledge and varied experience of European integration, is to answer these questions. Dive into this book and explore the challenges, opportunities, and transformations which Europe is facing to discover innovative solutions that will shape its future and foster its prosperity. In particular, this book offers a series of precise recommendations that could inspire European institutions.
  • Biographie : Philippe-Emmanuel Partsch is the European law partner of the firm Arendt & Medernach, based in Luxembourg. Member of the Brussels Bar, he practices in Luxembourg under his Belgian professional title. He is Professor of European Banking and Financial Law at the Université de Liège (Belgium), and also visiting Professor at the Université de Luxembourg from the academic year 2007-2008. Prior to joining Arendt & Medernach, he was legal secretary at the European Court of Justice. Holding a Doctorate in Law from the Université de Liège and from the Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg (France), he is the author of numerous contributions in European Law, company law and arbitration law and of a book entitled Le droit international privé européen, De Rome à Nice (European Private International Law, From Rome to Nice), which was published by Larcier in 2003. He regularly publishes papers in the field of European Banking and Financial Law and Competition Law. He speaks French, English and German.
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