The Art of Distillation

EAN : 9791041942770
Édition papier

EAN : 9791041942770

Paru le : 31 janv. 2023

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  • EAN13 : 9791041942770
  • Réf. éditeur : 264225
  • Date Parution : 31 janv. 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 232
  • Format : H:210 mm L:148 mm E:13 mm
  • Poids : 306gr
  • Résumé : " Sir ! It is my ambition to let the world know upon what score it is that I do especially honor men. It is not, Sir!, as they are highborn heirs of the great potentates, for which most honor them (and upon which account I also shall not deny them their due) but as they excell in honesty and are friends to art. That poor philosophers should take no delight in riches, and rich men should take delight in philosophy, is to me an argument, that there is more delight, honor, and satisfaction in the one than in the enjoyment of the other. I once read of a nobleman's porter who let in all that were richly apparelled, but excluded a poor philosopher. But I should, if I had been in his place, have rather let in the philosopher, without the gay clothes, than the gay clothes without the philosopher. As long as I have sense or reason, I shall improve them to the honor of the art, especially that of alchemy. In the perfection thereof there are riches, honor, health and length of days. By it, Artefius lived 1000 years, Flamel built 28 hospitals with large revenues to them, besides churches for it, both they and diverse more were accounted philosophers, and wise men, which sounds with more honor in my ears than all the rattling and empty titles of honor whatsoever besides...."
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