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The fauna of oil palm and coconut
EAN : 9782876144781
Paru le : 1 avr. 2004
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- EAN13 : 9782876144781
- Réf. éditeur : G68579
- Collection : QUAE GIE
- Editeur : Quae
- Date Parution : 1 avr. 2004
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 566
- Format : H:240 mm L:158 mm E:17 mm
- Poids : 582gr
- Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
Résumé :
This bibliographical work studies or mentions all insects and mites observed on oil palm and coconut in all the countries where they grow. Based on some 800 references grouped by insect order, all the major, secondary and even innocuous pests, but also all the parasitoids and predators reported, are included and grouped in an index containing over 1,500 items. The most important species are briefly described at their different stages. Where known, the insect's biology is summarized: development cycle, behaviour of larval instars and adults. Natural population regulating factors are insects, fungal diseases, viruses and bacteria. Biological control methods are described, along with chemical control methods when of a specific nature. For control methods and application procedures against the main pests, see also the CD ROM Oil palm and coconut pests.
Also mentioned are the secondary pests and parasitoids observed by the author over almost forty years of observations on plantations in numerous countries, and by other entomologists primarily from CIRAD. These insects are sometimes mentioned in documents that are difficult to get hold of. This book is intended for entomologists, but also for all agronomists responsible for crop protection matters in oil palm and coconut plantations.
The main pests and a few parasitoids and predators are illustrated in 80 colour photographs grouped in 16 sets. For further illustrations, see also the above CD ROM, which contains 400 photographs.