The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Book Analysis)

EAN : 9782808018418
Édition papier

EAN : 9782808018418

Paru le : 4 avr. 2019

9,99 € 9,47 €
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  • EAN13 : 9782808018418
  • Réf. éditeur : 211222
  • Date Parution : 4 avr. 2019
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 48
  • Format : H:180 mm L:120 mm E:3 mm
  • Poids : 59gr
  • Interdit de retour : Retour interdit
  • Résumé : Unlock the more straightforward side of The Hate U Give with this concise and insightful summary and analysis! This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, which follows 16-year-old Starr Carter as she deals with her trauma after witnessing the shooting of her unarmed friend Khalil by a policeman. Tensions begin to simmer in her neighbourhood, erupting into riots after the policeman is acquitted of the murder, and Starr is forced to choose between staying silent or speaking out in the name of justice. Angie Thomas is a contemporary author whose novels focus on the experiences of young African-American women in modern-day America. She primarily writes in the young adult genre. Find out everything you need to know about The Hate U Give in a fraction of the time! This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you: •A complete plot summary •Character studies •Key themes and symbols •Questions for further reflection Why choose Available in print and digital format, our publications are designed to accompany you on your reading journey. The clear and concise style makes for easy understanding, providing the perfect opportunity to improve your literary knowledge in no time. See the very best of literature in a whole new light with!
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