The life of John Ruskin

EAN : 9791041818068
Édition papier

EAN : 9791041818068

Paru le : 26 juin 2023

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  • EAN13 : 9791041818068
  • Réf. éditeur : 288327
  • Date Parution : 26 juin 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 204
  • Format : H:210 mm L:148 mm E:11 mm
  • Poids : 270gr
  • Résumé : " If origin, if early training and habits of life, if tastes, and character, and associations, fix a man's nationality, then John Ruskin must be reckoned a Scotsman. He was born in London, but his family was from Scotland. He was brought up in England, but the friends and teachers, the standards and influences of his early life, were chiefly Scottish. The writers who directed him into the main lines of his thought and work were Scotsmen from Sir Walter and Lord Lindsay and Principal Forbes to the master of his later studies of men and the means of life, Thomas Carlyle. The religious instinct so conspicuous in him was a heritage from Scotland; thence the combination of shrewd common-sense and romantic sentiment; the oscillation between levity and dignity, from caustic jest to tender earnest; the restlessness, the fervour, the impetuosity all these are the tokens of a Scotsman of parts, and were highly developed in John Ruskin. P. 13In the days of auld lang syne the Rhynns of Galloway that hammer- headed promontory of Scotland which looks towards Belfast Lough was the home of two great families, the Agnews and the Adairs. The Agnews, of Norman race, occupied the northern half, centring about their island-fortress of Lochnaw, where they became celebrated for a long line of hereditary sheriffs and baronets who have played no inconsiderable part in public affairs. The southern half, from Portpatrick to the Mull of Galloway, was held by the Adairs (or, as formerly spelt, Edzears) who took their name from Edgar, son of Dovenald, one of the two Galloway leaders at the Battle of the Standard. Three hundred years later Robert Edzear who does not know his descendant and namesake, Robin Adair? settled at Gainoch, near the head of Luce Bay; and for another space of 300 years his children kept the same estate, in spite of private feud, and civil war, and religious persecution, of which they had more than their share..."
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