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The Lonely Dancer
EAN : 9791041987214
Édition papier
EAN : 9791041987214
Paru le : 28 févr. 2024
12,00 €
11,37 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9791041987214
- Réf. éditeur : 336149
- Date Parution : 28 févr. 2024
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 60
- Format : H:220 mm L:170 mm E:4 mm
- Poids : 110gr
- Résumé : THE LONELY DANCER I had no heart to join the dance, I danced it all so long ago— Ah! light-winged music out of France, Let other feet glide to and fro, Weaving new patterns of romance For bosoms of new-fallen snow. But leave me thus where I may hear The leafy rustle of the waltz, The shell-like murmur in my ear, The silken whisper fairy-false Of unseen rainbows circling near, And the glad shuddering of the walls. Another dance the dancers spin, A shadow-dance of mystic pain, And other partners enter in And dance within my lonely brain— The swaying woodland shod in green, The ghostly dancers of the rain; The lonely dancers of the sea, Foam-footed on the sandy bar, The wizard dance of wind and tree, The eddying dance of stream and star; Yea, all these dancers tread for me A measure mournful and bizarre: An echo-dance where ear is eye, And sound evokes the shapes of things, Where out of silence and a sigh The sad world like a picture springs, As, when some secret bird sweeps by, We see it in the sound of wings.
- Biographie : Richard Thomas Gallienne, dit Le Gallienne, né le 20 janvier 1866 à Liverpool et mort le 15 septembre 1947 à Menton, est un auteur et poète anglais.