The Minotaur

EAN : 9791041824731
Édition papier

EAN : 9791041824731

Paru le : 9 nov. 2023

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  • EAN13 : 9791041824731
  • Réf. éditeur : 316652
  • Date Parution : 9 nov. 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 24
  • Format : H:210 mm L:148 mm E:2 mm
  • Poids : 47gr
  • Résumé : In the old city of Troezene, at the foot of a lofty mountain, there lived, a very long time ago, a little boy named Theseus. His grandfather, King Pittheus, was the sovereign of that country, and was reckoned a very wise man; so that Theseus, being brought up in the royal palace, and being naturally a bright lad, could hardly fail of profiting by the old king's instructions. His mother's name was Æthra. As for his father, the boy had never seen him. But, from his earliest remembrance, Æthra used to go with little Theseus into a wood, and sit down upon a moss-grown rock, which was deeply sunken into the earth. Here she often talked with her son about his father, and said that he was called Ægeus, and that he was a great king, and ruled over Attica, and dwelt at Athens, which was as famous a city as any in the world. Theseus was very fond of hearing about King Ægeus, and often asked his good mother Æthra why he did not come and live with them at Troezene.
  • Biographie : Né à Salem en 1804, mort à Plymouth en 1864. Romancier et nouvelliste, descendant d'une famille puritaine qui avait pris une part active à la chasse aux sorcières au XVII¿ et plus tard à la persécution des Quakers. Ce lourd passé constitue le thème majeur de toute l'oeuvre de Hawthorne.
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